So you learn all this stuff in your chemistry class, but you sit there thinking what the heck am I ever
going to do with this stuff I learn, when am I ever going to have to identify what substance is present in this or how much of element X I have in Solution Y or whatever it is you do in your chem class! Well, you would be surprised...did you know chemistry is used by many brilliant people every single day? From forensic scientists to chemical engineers to healthcare scientists, and to toxicologists. There are millions and millions of people who work every single day in this field and use their chemical knowledge to help the world, you can read more in depth about it from this these two articles if you want to know every, juicy detail,,, these are two really interesting articles about few of the many careers there are that involve an individual using their knowledge of chemistry for a living! Lets take a look at what a chemical engineer is. A chemical engineer is actually a generalized category for variants of fields of engineers who use their knowledge to benefit the world and overcome technological challenges and obstacles through the use of their scientific and chemical knowledge, to list every single field in which chemical engineers work would take a list longer than the earth's diameter, but to list a few, we are going to take a look at the fields of food processing and safety industries. Chemical engineers, when it comes to food processing, are in charge of using their knowledge to assist with the regulation and testing of food products, for example they are the ones who determine how to store a product, based off of what is is composed of, they also determine the expiration date on your food and make sure you don't end up pouring yourself a bowl of cereal one day and have it end up tasting like sour garbage. Moving on to safety industries, Chemical engineers are ESSENTIAL. Chemical engineers in the field of safety industries are the one who determine which product has which hazards associated with it, they process and examine the product and make sure it goes out with all the necessary points of information are filled out accurately and correctly, they use their knowledge of various properties of substances such as pH levels and reactivity with other substances to achieve this, without them, some poor schlub would confuse a vial of CuSO4 with Gatorade and end up going to the hospital. In the end, chemical knowledge and the people who use it are essential and the world cannot function without them. You would be surprised just how much of that chemical mumbo jumbo your teacher tells you about in class is being used around you every single day, you would be surprised just how much of it comes in handy to people all over the world! Do you have a cool career in mind that would involve chemistry? if so, tell me us all below and tell us how it utilizes your knowledge of chemistry!
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